Präsentationsreihe Medienkunst Aktuell
June 14, 2001, 7:30 p.m., Vuk Cosic: Net Art
Vuk Cosic uses the Internet as an artistic medium. As an invited artist in the Slovenian Pavilion at this year's Venice Biennale, Cosic is making an exhibition in a space he calls the "Temporary Autonomous Pavilion," presenting net art to an international audience. In Oldenburg, Cosic will show these "classic" and young net art works, creating a context for the sometimes controversial but always interesting net art. (In English with semi-simultaneous translation)
June 21, 2001, 7.30 p.m., Söke Dinkla: Interactive Art
With her book "Pioneers of Interactive Art" Dr. Söke Dinkla is herself a pioneer of this topic. Today, this exhibition organizer works in our "neighboring" Ruhr area with the stars of Interactive Art, such as Lynn Hershmann, Ken Feingold, Grahame Weinbren and Jeffrey Shaw. Dinkla will describe specific artworks to convey the energy of this dynamic art movement.
June 28, 2001, 7:30 p.m., Søren Grammel: Video Art
Søren Grammel is a freelance curator who has opened a new discussion about festivals and exhibitions with his concept of the "Installative Festival". In Oldenburg he will show, among others, the award-winning videos of the Bonn Videonale 9 "RA" by Calin Dan (Romania), "The Cure" by Killu Sukmit and Mari Laanemets (Estonia) and "Blue Video" by Kenny Macleod (GB). Some current tendencies in video art will be explained.