At the Far and Farthest Point
The installation At the Far and Farthest Point is an immersive sound environment, which simulates an experience of modern day psychosis. Upon entering a geometrically askewed interior with a variety of choreographed light and voices, the visitor is enveloped by a sense of spatial and acoustic disorientation. The installation becomes an improvised game, which hypnotically entangles the viewers in their own mental space.
Though she is most well-known for her videos, which have been widely viewed internationally, her recent work has expanded beyond using images and producing installations with only sound and voices.
For this piece, Oechsler deals with the current media society's creation of psychological phenomenons. The masses of both fictional and documentary information, which are aimed at a person's private sphere, can cause a loss of personal authenticity. The installation refers to this state, overwhelming one's thoughts and reflections and allowing almost no chance to intellectually engage with what is being experienced. Instead, a reflection on the content gradually occurs after exiting the work.
Monika Oechsler completed her MA at Goldsmiths College in 1996 and is based in London. She has shown extensively internationally, including: Sharjah International Biennial 6, United Arab Emirates; The Inner State, Kunstmuseum Lichtenstein, Vaduz, Liechtenstein;The Other Side of Zero, Video Positive 2000, Tate Gallery Liverpool; Video Cult/ures, Museum for Contemporary Art, Karlsruhe, Germany; New Video from Great Britain, The Museum of Modern Art, New York; Performing Bodies, Tate Modern, London; Electronica, São Paulo, Brazil.