Guest exhibition of the Klex Art School
in the Edith-Russ-Haus for Media Art
Under the title animato, the Klex Art School has been involved since April 2001 in eight different projects with more than 112 participants from age 17 to 25. In addition to participants from the art school, 11th and 12th grade students from basic and advanced art courses were invited to participate. The IGS Helene-Lange-Schule, the grammar school Eversten and the grammar school Liebfrauenschule took part.
In a three-week-long final presentation at the Edith Russ House for Media Art, exemplary works from the overall project will be shown. They combine classic artistic work with the multimedia possibilities of present-day technology.
The team:
Thiemo Eddiks, Karsten Friedrichs-Tuchenhagen, Kai Gärtner, Lutz Harders, Peter Hanson, Peer Holthuizen, Ralf Lau, Veronika Pögel, Ortrud Reuter-Kaminski, Thomas Robbers, Deliane Rohlfs, Siegfried Schlierf