Polit Clips - Workshop
Theory and practice of the propagandistic art film.
The short film clip with political content has a long tradition: polemical short films were already shown in cinemas in the 1920s, and in 1968 the Dziga-Vertov Group (including P. Gorrin and J. L. Godard) produced propaganda against the Vietnam War.
In the 1990s, an attempt was made in Berlin and elsewhere with "A-clip" to establish a form of counter-publicity in the popular, public leisure field of cinema. The first season was shown in 1997 in parallel with the "InnenStadtAktionen" in terms of content and timing, the second was produced in 1999. The third season is currently in the production phase. "A-clips" are meant as a commentary on changes in the urban and political field; anyone can be a producer.
Based on these and other examples, the workshop will first discuss the possibilities of such practice. In addition, until a second meeting in December, short video clips will be produced and thought about their distribution.
October 19 and 20, 2002, beginning: 11 a.m.
independent work: October 21 - December 13, 2002
14 and 15 December, 2002