Nachrichten aus unbekannten Welten?
Experimental school/workshop from 10th grade upwards
with Yunchul Kim and Nina Bochmann
Scientists as well as artists work with their imagination, because both can work in the infinitely small or infinitely large without having a directly recognizable thing in front of their eyes. In this workshop we will move freely between poetry and chemistry, between music and physics. In playful experiments, for example, a sound generator made of seawater, drawings with iodine/potassium and batteries, or a work with metamaterial can be created.
Experimentation, research, creative design - this is how we produce phenomena from an unknown world, which emerge at an aesthetic, material interface and create new things and/or let us see old things we know in a different context. At the end we will present and discuss a common result.
This will be a workshop based on the principle of "imagine by doing".