
Music III - Das Medium schlägt zurück, Teil 2

12. November 2011, 20:00

Concert evening, 8 p.m., Edith-Russ-Haus for Media Art

curated by Jens Brand

hot & cold (Anne Wellmer/Relly Tarlo): hit & blow No.3 (for computer and glass-instruments)
echo ho: Persona (for video and electronics)
LIGHTBRINGER (Marcelo Aguirre): Imprecations at the Cave of Skulls

The second part of Music 3 is focussed on ideas of percussion, of hitting and being hitten, and on the question: "Why?" and "Whereby?" and accordingly "Who?".

hot & cold (Relly Tarlo and Anne Wellmer) started collaborating on this project during a residency in 2008 at Q-O2 in Brussels. Two motorized mechanical glas-pipe-intruments form the core of the work. Their sound is processed live and layers of electronically generated sounds and manipulated field recordings are added to create a rich and mesmerizing sound world.

Composer, performer and media artist Anne Wellmer is mostly known for her non‑pop‑electronic music, such as "green piece" for viola, feedack and light or "travelling barefoot" an interactive environment for improvising musicians. Wellmer uses field recordings, live sound processing and electronically generated sound in her work, which shifts between tape music, improvisation, installation and performance.
Feedback, electromagnetic disturbances and barely audible acoustic phenomena make out essential aspects of her work. In 2007 Wellmer received an honorary mention for her work in progress fwd:inf.[rec] (a collection of sound stories) as part of the prix ars electronica in Linz.

Sculptor Relly Tarlo is mostly known for his large scale architectural installations which he specifically designs for certain locations, i.e. an outside staircase, a park or the space under a bridge. Relly Tarlo has been active since the 1970s. His art-work always involves mechanically produced sound, that may or may not be amplified.
Typically any kind of pipes are part of Tarlo's work: marbles roll through card-board pipes, table tennis balls fall through pvc pipes, or as in "hit & blow" air is blown through glass pipes. sound is always a central material in tarlo's art and performance work. In 1987 Relly Tarlo participated in the documenta 8 in Kassel.

Echo Ho lives in Cologne. She grew up in Beijing, moved to Hong Kong in 1994, where she got her diploma at the Academy for Performing in Technical Art (movie/ television). In 1998 she went to Germany, studied Audiovisuelle Medien at Kunsthochschule für Medien in Cologne, 2003 she graduated in the subject Medienkunst with Prof. Anthony Moore and Prof. David Larcher. Her artistic work spreads over a broad field of video, sound art, installations, audiovisual live-improvisations and intermedia performances. She examines cultural developments in context of tendencies of globalization, narration of the body and metamorphosis of urban landscapes. While she broaches this in her artistic work directly, her performative works experiment with approaches that enable communication in heterogenous collectives (such as network music) in which conventional strategies are limited. In her audiovisual language along with classic linear methods she tries to establish algorithmic an non-linear structures of expression using computer based realtime-tools (PureData, SuperCollider). Since September 2007 Echo Ho is artistic research assistant at the video and electronic media division at Kunsthochschule für Medien Cologne.

Marcelo Aguirre hails from Argentina and has resided in the city of Berlin for the past six years.

A self-taught percussionist and vocalist, his playing manifests a spectrum of influences, ranging from spacious, delicate pulsation, to bursts of pure tone color into free music or charged noise, with a focus on continuous sound and changing dynamics. He curated and co-curated events at the Podewil Contemporary Arts Center in Berlin, 2003-2004 (Sculpture Musicale; Violet Music I & II; der negative horizont). He is also active writing about experimental music since '92 for diverse magazines and creating his small homemade, work-in progress label minúscula. His involvement on various intermedia projects include live improv with Anna Barth's Butoh dance performances; the cut-up quartet Val Afumo alongside visual/performance artists Peter Morrens, Juha Valkeapää and musician Andréas Fulgosi providing music to avantgarde cinema; and the duo The Inner Metal with Karen Scheper merging sound performance with live drawings/environments. Actively working with California composer Michael Jon Fink, has toured venues in Berlin, Paris, Lier, Brussels, Berkeley and Los Angeles, while has/keeps working with composers/improvisers John Duncan, Hans W. Koch, Bettina Wenzel, Steffen Basho-Junghans, Mark Trayle, Daniel Varela, José Marchi, John Hegre, Raymond Dijkstra, Timo van Luijk, Z'EV and Ulrich Krieger.

Funded by:

Netzwerk Neue Musik
Kulturstiftung des Bundes
Niedersächsisches Ministerium für Wissenschaft und Kultur
EWE Stiftung
Stadt Oldenburg Ferienprogramm