Counter-maps: Nowhere, here, and now
Rogelio López Cuenca, | media artist,
Granada | Spain
Di, 18.03.2014, 7 pm, Seminarroom ERH
(with simultaneous translation)
In recent years, Rogelio López Cuenca has developed a series of artistic research works based on websites and with a very specific cartographic character.
The artist deterritorializes the official structure ordinarily used to describe cities in order to lend expression and space to silenced voices, voices encountered more often on the streets and inside homes than on the pages of books or in mass-communication media. What is not officially “nowhere” can become visible by means of critical cartographies: counter-maps, alternative routes, and once more pointing the way to “here and now.” Rogelio López Cuenca (Málaga, 1959); poet and visual artist, explores the processes of constructing identities by means of iconographies and contemporary forms of expression. He develops his work in publications, workshops, exhibitions, interventions in public space, on television, and in the Internet: