
Bogomir Doringer - Unwanted Story

24. February 2012, 19:00 - 00:00

Bogomir Doringer grew up in Yugoslavia as it began to fragment. TV attacked his family dinners with gore images of war and fear. After a long observation of vanishing culture and a quite intense complex childhood he moved to the Netherlands to start his art studies and experience ‘freedom’. On his big surprise during his studies he was first of all marked as an immigrant from Serbia, then student. This uncomfortable position became part of his work. Once being an émigré in another country he could collect fragments of his memories and dive in to investigation of them. He is researching fragments of mass media fabrications in him, using them as inspiration in order to dispose them and address something new, important for all of us. He sees himself as a storyteller of ‘unwanted stories’.

In this performance lecture he will share uncanny moments of his life supported with a collection of private images: Images of places that don’t exist anymore but that have magic power to recall hidden past.

In colloaboration with ZEEBELT, Den Haag